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Valley Dream Farm River Corridor Easement | Nov 2, 2021

LCCD would like to thank Valley Dream Farm for partnering with the Vermont Land Trust (VLT)  to establish a River Corridor Easement (RCE) along a reach of the Seymour River that bisects their property. The Lamoille River Tactical Basin Plan ranks the Seymour River as in high need of river bank buffers and stream restoration work to help Vermont reach its Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) Phosphorus reduction goals for the Lake Champlain Basin as described in the Vermont Clean Water Act  76.

This particular reach of the Seymour would, under natural circumstances, frequently change course throughout the floodplain. Storms and snowmelts would relocate sediment deposits, deep pools and the natural sinuosity of the river. This process is necessary to distribute the sediments and naturally deposit the associated phosphorus along the landscape before reaching Mallets Bay. When humans encroach on natural floodplains, straightening stretches for roads, bridges and buildings etc, this natural equilibrium is lost and water mingled with nutrient laden sediment is quickly conveyed to Lake Champlain. This delta of high nutrient sediment deposits within bays such as Mallets Bay, can cause potentially cyanobacterial (AKA blue green algae) blooms. The total area of the RCE will be  about 34 acres!  The VLT and State are also working with the farm to create about an additional 34 acres of wetland protection on the property as well though this is still in the works. LCCD has been working closely with Valley Dream Farm for a number of years now to address resource concerns as well as farm viability issues. They have been a great partner to the District and conservation and we value their partnership!

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