Mission & Initiatives

Lamoille County Conservation District was established in 1945 in response to the degradation of natural resources vital to the agricultural livelihood of residents in Lamoille County. Working in partnership with USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service and Farm Service Agency, the Conservation District works to:
- Maintain and improve our natural resources;
- Aid and educate our fellow citizens to appreciate and adjust to the changes taking place in our natural resource system;
- Be a local voice for conservation, preservation, and stewardship of all natural resources and work in conjunction with other agencies (private and public) at the grassroots level.
To support our mission and support our local community, LCCD writes and receives grants to complete projects in Lamoille County and Lamoille Watershed. The following initiatives maintain the success of these ongoing projects.
Land Acknowledgment
With gratitude we humbly acknowledge the Abenaki people who have lived on this soil for over ten thousand years. As the original stewards, the Ndakinna have cared for the land we now call Vermont, shaping its culture, agriculture, food systems, arts, and landscapes across countless generations. Lamoille County Conservation District embraces the work of protecting natural resources by recognizing the Indigenous Abenaki people, on whose unceded land we live. We respect, and honor the continued presence of the first inhabitants and commit ourselves to maintaining responsible use of the land.