Registration Now Open! | Dec 2, 2022

Mud City Forest School
A once-a-week full-day program entirely outdoors at the beautiful Lamoille County Nature Center, 1600 Cole Hill Rd, Morrisville.
Thursdays 9-3
March 14 – May 16
(Not April 25th)
Each day consists of outdoor skills such as fire-building, forest safety, weather prediction, cooking, and quiet observation, storytelling, puzzles, and free play in nature. Youth use creative problem solving to build fort structures, cut new trails, and work together to complete goals. We use movement games to learn about Vermont’s ecology and wildlife and how animals, plants, and people interact.

Mud City Forest School is committed to providing interest based learning and choices for youth; examples of options include art, engineering, games, and opportunities for research into special topics. Youth will learn to use tools and develop teamwork skills. Above all, we will explore the natural world with curiosity, joy, respect, and gratitude.
$700 Per Student | 9-Week Session
Registration for the Spring 2023 session of Mud City Forest School is now open. Reserve your Child(ren)’s place now as we expect the seats to fill quickly.