Regional Hydroseeder Project

LCCD has coordinated shareholders among seven municipalities (Eden, Elmore, Morrisville, Stowe, Jeffersonville, Hyde Park and Johnson) since 2000 for a Regional Hydroseeder Project. The Regional Hydroseeder Project allows each shareholder access to an otherwise out of reach in expense piece of equipment used to apply grass seed along roads instead of the labor-intensive task of hand seeding or the expensive option to rock line ditches. Lamoille County alone spends thousands to tens of thousands of dollars per year to remedy issues such as erosion, undermining, and washouts. These costs can be mitigated or avoided completely by implementing techniques such as vegetative stabilization. The hydroseeder is good for water quality and for town budgets. Original funds for the purchase of the equipment were made available through the Clean and Clear Grant Program. Additional municipalities are welcome to join the program at any time, please call (802) 888-9218 ext.113 for more information.